what should I do?

my dad and I are having a really huge fight right now. I am really mad at him for always putting his girlfriends needs before mine and when I ask him if he and I can spend some father daughter time together he says yea and then he never keeps his promises. and when I tell him that he lied he always says that he can do whatever the he** he wants to. so what can I do? and the other thing is that when I tell him that I want to be left alone he always yells and says that I have to talk about stuff that I don’t want to with him. it just upsets me. so what should I do? should I get a counsler to help me? or should I go to my mom? I mean she and I are working on something to try and help but it just doesn’t work. so what should I do? please help me.

Love Always, EMODANCER

Answer #1

wow.. I am going through the same exact thing.. literally the same. I dont even no how to deal with it. I’ve had a consalor but it didnt really help me. I’ve learned not to depend on him or anything and yeah it sucks a lot but oh well.. and I’ve learned that when he wants to talk then I talk and if he gets mad when I want to be left alone its his fault not mine

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