What should I do about these girls harassing me?

well there are these girls who i used to be friends with but then stuff happened and we started to hate eachother. well they’ve called me a few times like in the middle of the night and they left voicemails saying a bunch of stuff about like my past (i have a pretty bad past) and a bunch of mean things. but like the problem is that since they blocked their number i dont know exactly which girls are calling me. they just sound really familiar but im not sure. so what should i do about them caling me?

Answer #1

report to the athorities?

Answer #2

well leave your phone on and when they call pick up and tell them”look get over yourself it was the past so stop calling me!!” or somthing like that i have the same porplblem so yeah thats what i do and they leave me alonne but sometimes we get in a fight

Answer #3

You should change your phone number! That’s really the only way here. Telling them off or whatever won’t do a dang thing but give them what they want. They want to rile you up. So I would just change my number. It takes a few minutes on the phone with the phone company. Then only give your number out to people that you know and trust.

Your only other option is to completely ignore it and turn off your phone or your phone’s ringer at night so that you are not disturbed. They’ll eventually get tired of the game.

Good luck. Kids suck.

Answer #4

block your #

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