What should I do

Okay there is a guy at school that I really like!!!

I absolutly know that he knows that I like him!!

He wont tell anyone if he likes me back!

He is always around a big group of his friends and whenever he is alone my friend and I go to talk to him

He has no problem talking to her but hes always saying stuff like “I knkow you like me!” or “get away!”

Plus he always pulls tricks on me!(but not harmful just funny tricks)

Soo what should I do about this I really like him and im tired of people sayin if he acts like that then he doesnt deserve you or anything else like that!!!

Im sooo confused,,,help!!! :)

Answer #1

well to me, it kind of sounds like he likes you…secretly. he just doesnt know how to show it or hes too shy…

I used to have the same problem with a guy I knew. lol…

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