What Should I Do?

Im 16 and I maybe pregant. Me and my ex b/f have not talk for 3 weeks. When I call his house he never be home. What should I do.

Answer #1

I’d start by finding our if you really are pregnant or if it’s just a scare. Since your ex b\f is being an ass, try not to think about him right now and find a friend or someone you can confide in, someone who will listen and support you. Go to the pharmacy and buy a test. If it’s positive then you’ll want to go to a doctor to take a blood test to make sure. If it’s negative then chances are your home free! I wouldn’t waste too much time running after your ex since he seems to be avoiding you which doesn’t make him sound very supportive or in a position to help you out just now. However, if you are pregnant then you’ll have to make a decision what to do with the pregnancy (abortion or having a baby). At this point you might want to let him know so he can be responsible and help you, at least financialy, in whatever decision you take. Remember it’s a lot easier to make these decisions if you have a support, Try reaching out to your friends or to other people that will support you through this. You’ll also eventualy want to ge tested for STD’s and HIV since you had unprotected sex.

Answer #2

I believe you should go lookin for him. and If you don’t find him call and let his mama know then he would have wished he would’ve answered tha phone.

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