What should I do?

Okay so i like this guy and we used to talk and stuff, i told him i liked him and he was fine with it. He already told me that he liked this other girl, then i talked to him one day and he said he didn’t like her anymore. But now they’re going out. She isn’t that pretty, but she is shorter than him, where as i am taller. I don’t know what to do. My lip started bleeding today because i accidentally bit it too hard while i was watching her wear his hat. i have no idea what to do, i still want to talk to him, but i don’t think i can, please help me!

Answer #1

Regardless of what he told you, he has interest there for her as he is now going out with her. Dont hate her, she did nothing wrong, all she did was fall for a guy. Now he is with her, you need to forget about him, if he wants to say hi once in a while say hi, but snobbing him is only going to give him a reaction. Dont lower yourself, you know you are beautiful and in time will find another guy. This one was just not the right one.

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