What should I do?

My dad really scares me when he gets mad, cause sometimes he grabs my arm and pushes me against a wall, and a couple of times he has slapped me. I know this isn’t that bad but im scared one of these times he is going to get out of hand. What should I do if that happens, or what should I do to keep it from happening?

Answer #1

this is out of hand and needs to be brought to someones attention. It is one thing to get smacked on your bottom or being bad, but grabbing someone by the arm and slamming them into a wall and slapping them is ABUSE. you either need to talk to him about it with someone with you or tell the guidance counslier

Answer #2

This is more serious than you think. I’d talk to your teachers or someone in school. They can take the necessary steps to getting your dad help. And you need to make sure you have somewhere to go if it happens again. Don’t stay there and let it get out of control… does your mom know? What does she say?

Answer #3

call the police.. my dad was like that. when my mom was home, she would rather have him hit her then her children. But otherwise that call the police.

Answer #4

just make sure that you have a safe place to go if that ever happens agian

Answer #5

u needa tell him that and your mom if he does iit again call childrens protection serv.

Answer #6

:( oh im sorry :( its not very fun huh? what do you do to stay away from him?

Answer #7

If I were you I would stay out his way when he gets mad and if it does get out of hand call childline and ask their advice. Possibly tip-toe around him a bit he might realize what you feel and try not to get angry.

Answer #8

my dad also does that when he gets really mad. I stay away from him up in my room. after a while he comes upstairs and apologizes though and…everythings fine again. call the police if it gets too bad or your mom and tell her about it \xoxo\Tina

Answer #9

yeah I know how that feels.. its not as bad as some people and doesnt really SEEM like abuse so you dont know what to do about it, but it IS and it HURTS. not just physically, but emotionally. and emotional pain is worse. has he always been like this or did it just come out of no where? I would just try to stay out of his way when hes mad, but if hes mad and he comes looking for you to take his anger out on you, I would deffinately call childrens protection services.

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