what should I do?

Ok. So I’m 14. And there’s this guy that I really like.. (Hes 15 and in my grade) I see him in the halls at school all the time. We had one class together last year, but none this year. I do like him a lot, but the stupid thing is that I’ve never talked I him before. I feel like a stalker half the time just because I don’t actually know HIM and I doubt he knows my name. I wish I could talk to him but I’m crazy shy. And he’s sort of popular.. And is friends with prettier girls then me. I would talk to to him if I could, but I don’t even know when I’d have a chance. Unless I talked to him online or something. Should I?! Or no? Ugh.

Answer #1

Go talk to him or you’ll end up regreting it. You never no where it could leed! Go up to him when no one is around incase his mates get jealous.

Answer #2

Definitly talk 2 him.. act dumb and ask 4 the time or somthing then make a convo

Answer #3

yeah thats totally me..I found this guy (exact same relation that you 2 have) on myspace and we started tlking online ..nothihn ever happened but now hes my friend and he says heyy when ever we see eachother, so thats a start but it doesnt mean you 2 couldnt hit it off =] its just so hard to be out going when your quiet huh?!

Answer #4

yeah thats totally me..I found this guy (exact same relation that you 2 have) on myspace and we started tlking online ..nothihn ever happened but now hes my friend and he says heyy when ever we see eachother, so thats a start but it doesnt mean you 2 couldnt hit it off =] its just so hard to be out going when your quiet huh?!

Answer #5

Talking online, or over text is a lot less akward than talking in person.. especially if your shy. So try to find his myspace or facebook, add him, and be like hey do you go to my school? and then start a conversation with him. If you don’t have any luck with talking online, just go up and talk to him in the hallway or after school. What do you have to lose? At least you could say that you tried talking to him, and didn’t just crush on him without ever attempting to get to know him. Good luck girly(:

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