what should I do

my daughter is very attached to me… I dont really leave her with babysitters to often. last night I wanted to go out for a little while so I had brought her to my moms. she started crying for about a half hour because she didnt want me to leave, then when I left they called me back to tell me that she was still crying an hour later. I think the porblem is shes an only child and may be a lil spoiled. what should I do

Answer #1

shes 3

Answer #2

Oh, she’ll outgrow this definitely. Many children go through this stage; I advise separation techniques; when you leave, no matter how much she cries and screams, try to block it out. If she see that you will run to her everytime she cries, she’ll pick up on that and use it to her advantage. Be strong, and even if it hurts, leave anyways. After a while, once she sees it doesn’t work anymore, she’ll drop the habit.

Answer #3

It isnt about being spoiled. Some kids are just more insecure without their parents than others. I agree with above advice, kids at that age should be able to form mental representations of their attachment figures and so should be able to stay away from them for periods of time… So start off with short periods, and increasingly let the time spent away increase. Assure her you’ll be back.

Answer #4

thank you all so much.. great advice

Answer #5

not spoiled but a lil scared maybe?? how old is she??

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