What should I do?

I have been pretty upset lately, and depressed. It’s been at least a month and a half since this has happened. I have two ‘best friends’, one goes to the school I go to, the other one doesn’t. Well since I have been upset and stuff I didn’t feel like talking to anyone. So that’s what I did. The one who goes to my school, lets call her Annie. let’s call the one who doesn’t go to my school Johana. Well Annie didn’t ask me anything, she didn’t do anything. I got on my myspace and deleted a bunch of people off. Including Annie and Johana. I’m not sure why, just frustrated, Neither of them said anything, until about 3 weeks later Johnna messages me over myspace asking “How are you? Is anything the matter.” I don’t know, I just feel like it’s too late. They are never there for me. I can never talk to them about things. I feel like writing back saying “LEAVE ME ALONE” Since I haven’t really talked to anyone.. like no one cares. No one has approached me and talked to me. NO ONE. No one in my family. Sometimes I wonder the definition of family? I always thought it was a group of close people who you can talk to and stuff. But apparently I was wrong. But would that be making a good decision? Is that too harsh? What do you guys think?

Answer #1

Why dont you tell “johanna” that you feel like you cant talk to her, and you are questioning your friendship. No one can make you be friends with them, but maybe you should try to see if there is just some kind of misunderstanding. Friends are important..they are the family you choose. You should be able to trust them with anything and talk to them always… If you feel these two girls truly aren’t genuine friends then that is your choice..but dont cast off the idea of friends in general..or you will live a very lonely life.

Most people have less then 5 TRUE friends. If your friend reached out to you and asked what is wrong..it seems like she is a real friend…at least give her the courtesy of telling her what is going on in your head..you know.

Answer #2

Annie.. has been living at my house for the past month or so. Her parents know my parents and her parents are out of the USA. Why teh fuc* didn’t she say anything? Is that what a friend is? Maybe it’s good that she didn’t say anything, I suppose I now realize what kind of friends I have. “Best friends’ at the age of 4? I suppose we were never best friends?

Answer #3

I think you need more friends 2 talk 2 if you keep going down dis path your going 2 b in terrible pain you musnt b afraid 2 trust in your friends and talk 2 em

Answer #4

You said Johnana responded and your reaction is to punish her (LEAVE ME ALONE) for what the others have done (not cantacted/checked on you - so unfair to Johana - people get busy in their lives and may not keep in contact as often as they should - doesn’t make them bad people, makes them Human…Take care !!

Answer #5

You should deffenatly talk to them. They’re your bestfriends, you should be able to tell them anything. Not block them from your life when your upset.

Answer #6

Then I suppose they aren’t my best friends. In that case I don’t have any best friends. Now it makes me wonder.. what are friends for? Do I even have these things called.. ‘friends’…??

Answer #7

I think if you want them to leave you alone when they want to try to talk to you theres not really anything you can do. Thats just a natural feeling. If thats how you really feel. But if that is how you really feel you need to find better friends(which isn’t that hard to do). It could be anyone like someone from school or a family member like a cousin. And to get out of this slump you have you should try your best to be happy and after a while it will just be there. I hope things work out for you.—>

Answer #8

Why can’t you talk to them? Do you have trouble trusting them?

Answer #9

Thats the same thing my so called bff did to me…She heard that I was spreading rumors about her and without even asking if the rumors were true she just went on and believed everyone …we were mad for like 5month (I even stop believing in bestfriends)until I decided to apologize(when I didn’t do anything) now our whole friendship is ruin…I suggest you go talk to your bestfriends before its too late:) I hope this help:)

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