What should I do?? :(

Hii, Erm I am sorry to bother you but I have got a really big problem. Last nite I started to hit ma pillow but at the end wiv out realizing I had punched that hard that the friction took to ma hand and has messed up my knuckles… Well I have harmed ma self before and ma friend alisha who has been helping me saw it today and she sed you ok and went if you dont tell him I will ( learning mentor ) because I talk to him about ma harming… Only problem thou is I didnt mean for it 2 happen and he sed if you come to me one more time and say you have ‘ am sorry but I will have to ring your mum’ so am scared of telling him tommorrow otherwise alisha will :( :(

Answer #1

Well, they are both obviously acting in your best interest.

Why were you hitting your pillow so hard that it caused damage to your hand? That’s a bit of a problem. While punching your pillow may be a good stress reliever, it shouldn’t hurt you.

I think your friend and mentor are right to be concerned, and you’re very fortunate to have them. Take their help for what it is - you need to find a better way yet to deal with your stress.

Answer #2

You must admit, you were warned before…get the help you need for your own sake and future.

Answer #3

Don’t go tomorrow claim that you’re sick. they wont want you to go in because of the whole swine flu scare.

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