What should I do

Ok I am 22 me and my husband have been trying for a baby but that cant happen because I cant get me period back I only get it once a yr and it sucks I try everything but the only thing is I never took anything in my life the make my period go away I never took pill either and I have been to the doctor a lot and they said everything in my body is good and nothing is wrong with me what can I do help… I want a baby so bad

Answer #1

just ask your doctor about it and see what they say. and always keep trying(: and look on the bright side… having one period a year is way better than 12! :) best of luck!

Answer #2

There are fertility treatments… you need to talk to your doctor about them, you’ll probably need to see a specialist

Answer #3

One of my friends had a similar problem. She’s never had regular periods, and the things that could help that-hormone treatment or birth control-would make it nearly impossible to conceive. You can still get pregnant without having regular periods. She and her husband were able to have three children together. So, my best advice would be to not give up and keep trying. You never know! Also, tell your doctor how important having a baby is to you and maybe they can recommend something. Best of luck!!

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