What should I do...

Im in love with a married man who comes home to me every night. He says he loves me too and cant leave me. His wife knows about the affair because of some pictures. He dosent hide me we go out like a normal couple.what should I do?

Answer #1

humans are born of a single heart meant for a single person’s heart, too.. if I’m in your position, I’d ask the guy if he’d choose me or if it’s the girl he’s married with.. but of course, if the man already has kids, I’d do the sacrifice, and let my man go… just for the kids, I will…

Answer #2

I no its really hard but he needs to make a decision he is playing you both and he wont leave his wife if he doesn’t have to ,if he was going to then he would by now.

Answer #3

why doesnt he just get a divorce if he loves you the way he says he does

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