What should I do??

I really like this guy a lot. Hes one grade older than me hes a high school guy.I have liked him since 2 years ago and never managed to tell him I liked him. He I think already knows what I feel about him and was expecting me to make tha move but I never did(we were both shy so yea) whenever im sick he tells my friends if im okay ect. We are ‘friends’ even though we barely speak to each because we cant see each other and because we are shy.I really like him.but im scared of telling him my feelings because when I do have the guts I chicken out and think he doesnt like me… What should I do?

Answer #1

youll never know unless you ask.. whats the worst that could happen.. he says no.. then you move on .. its sad to say but if not him then it wasnt meant to be : )

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