What should I do.

I can almost cry now. I’ve been thinking all day about this guy [my boyfriend] and how he was going to come see me over spring break. Apparently he doesn’t want to come anymore. At least not until like 4 more months. He brings joy in my life and I really want to see him, spend time with him. I even thought about how it’d be if he came and like what we’d do and things… I had a really rough day today and he’s what brought me through it. And like last night he already wasn’t sure about coming to see me and us. So I thought that he was going to break up with me. In a way I was dreading today cz he was gonna tell me some news. I knew it was going to be bad news. I really dont know right now… he gave me so much hope and once again it’s all shattered. Everytime I start to hope for things… it’s always shattered. I really just want to see him… and he knows that. I really dont know what to do… I’m speechless. What should I do..

Answer #1

aww im sorri babe I don’t know what 2 say. except its his lose because your realy nice and I don’t no why he wudn wanna c u.!! xx

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