what should I do

my boyfriend cheated on me and I was hurt but I didn’t express it to him. I wanna leave him but I feel that he should get a second chance

Answer #1

I am a firm believer in “once a cheater, always a cheater.” I wouldn’t give him a second chance but that’s up to you. Just make sure he knows that he needs to gain your trust back and that there are no 3rd chances.

Answer #2

Giv e him a second chance? You said hes only told you he “loved” you 1 time, and you want to take him back now after hes cheated on you? Hun, he doesnt love you! His actions just proved that! Thats why those 3 words dont come out of his mouth…because he doesnt love you!

Answer #3

if you wanna give him a second chance then do it. Its bad if you just hide your feelings and take him back. First of all he may think cheatin on you doesing bother you so its ok, even when its not, tell him how you think its wrong. And you shouldnt just take him back, tell him your not playn games, if you do this again your done wit him. Let him know if this is what he wants to do, he will be missing out on a lot.

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