What should I do

I’m dating a married but him and his wife haven’t been together in about 3 years. And I love him with all of my heart.Him and his wife have two children together.Him and I have been talking for about seven months now.We broke up a couple of week’s ago because his wife was trying to keep his childern from him.Because he was talking to me. But she can have anybody she wants to but he can’t. But he came back to me. It’s like she don’t want him but she don’t want anybody else to have him.She found out a couple of days ago that we are back together. And now she wants to raise hell. She was fine when he didn’t have anybody. She was happy to see him depress and all by his self. But now she see him happy with me again. And she doesn’t like it. His wanting next year to get a divorce. Because he can’t aford it now. What should I do?

Answer #1

stay together. he needs to get a divorse ASAP. and if they been seperated 3 years why hasnt he got one yet. my fiance only paid like 200 for his divorse. but I guess it all depends on wats going on. but b careful because they ARE still married and she can get him for cheating. even tho she had men too. you should all try to talk like adults and he needs to let her know that even tho she don’t like yall she has to think about the children.

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