what should I do?

I’ve been seeing this guy for 2months and he refuses to commit to a relationship he says were boyfriend and girlfriend and he has an older son who’s 16 but not sure if he wants to be with someone who has 2 small children mine who are 4 & 8 and when I see him its when I don’t have my kids only when I do he will not see me and makes comments about my kids would probably ask too many questions to him and get on his nerves… I really like him a lot and love my kids what should I do?? Give him a chance to commit cause its still early in the relationship or what?

Answer #1

You should really put your kids first, if he doesn’t like it tell him to get lost… I know first hand from the kids point of view… my mom got married and kicked me a my sis to the curb basicly… and I don’t really talk to her that much anymore… This guy sounds like he just wants to take the easy road with you… and not have to deal with kids!


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