What should I do?

Well theres 3 girls that I like but I dont know which one I should ask out or if I should not ask out any of them.

Girl 1 - I’ve known her for about 4-5 years. I really love her and can picture myself marrying her and being with her for the rest of my life. Shes perfect in my eyes, almost. Recently I found out the she smoked pot :( bummer. When we hangout we always just end up talking for hours. When we walk around, it seems like we walk really slow. We’ve cuddled a few times and next time we hang out I think I’m going to kiss her.

Girl 2 - I’ve known her for about 2-3 years. I’m falling in love with her. She’s really pretty and has a great personality. I’ve only hungout with her like 3 times, but when we do hangout she has a real good time. We say “I love you” to eachother but I dont think she realizes that I actually mean it, ya know. We haven’t really done “anything” except hugging and I grabbed her butt once ; )

Girl 3 - I just met her in like december. She was in my gym class. She’s really funny and pretty. We havent spent anytime with eachother other than in class. I told her recently that I liked her but she said “she likes me as a friend just doesnt know me yet”. So obviously I know I’ll have to give this one some time.

But anyways, after reading all that. Who should I ask out??

Sorry for the long junk :(

Answer #1

well it’s your oppinion about that. but as for me.. my boyfriend does it sometimes and it really ticks me off. im totally against it.. but I love him a lot.. I cant be done with him over that. but just know you cant change someone unless they want to be changed. <3

Answer #2

she does it all the time. I’ve tried stopping her but she just get REALLY p-o’ed and says its not bad for you

Answer #3

I have no idea. seems like something you’ll have to think on. and talk to them a little about.

girl 1 sounds good.. but smoking pot’s stupid. was it just once, or a lot?

I don’t know- just talk to them, see how they feel about you.

Answer #4

Mrsixstrings , girl number 1 would be off my son’s list really all 3 of my boys , You need to find someone who has more interests like you . Talk with the others and just be friends with the first one . if you try too hard she may have you smoking it with her its easy to pull someone down than it is to lift them up . She doesnt seem to want to change so keep her as a friend when she grows up and sees how stupid smoking pot is she will change but on her own time not yours . Yes I think its stupid I did it when I was in High school and now I look at others and thank God I am not like that no more .

Answer #5

yeah.. but I mean just know what your getting into.. ya know?

Answer #6

I think you should go for girl number 1 sinse you know her the best
and that pot thing you guys can fix together

Answer #7

yea. im starting to get over it. I guess no one can be perfect

Answer #8

anytimeee. :)

Answer #9

I know what you’re sayin. thanks :)

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