What should I do ?

My boyfriend Cheated on me what should I do !!! he saud he is sorry and wont do it again ! helpp

Answer #1

I know its hard honey, but its best to break it off. he did it once, he did it again, he’ll do it some more. if he truly loved you he wouldnt do that! taking him back just tells him its alright for him to cheat on you.

Answer #2

now I found out that the person he kissed he shagged her I cant leave him I love him ahhh !!

Answer #3

now I found out that the person he kissed he shagged her I cant leave him I love him ahhh !!

Answer #4

I had a girlfriend that cheated on me and sent her ex nude pics of her and when I caught her she said she wouldnt do it agian but she did, I read her myspace message once and I saw it all there so I left her for good and now I got to another girl that treats me a lot better so leave the guy.

Answer #5

He did it twice? If he has done it twice and is accusing you of cheating also, maybe you should move on. If you keep forgiving him, he might start thinking that he can get away with it again.

Answer #6

with his ex she gave him head and his other ex kissed but I think it was more (sex) and he had another girl stay at his and also kissed another girl but I love him and dont want anyone else but him ! so confused

Answer #7

we have been together nearly 7 months he did it twice but promised me he wudnt do it again alway says that I’ve cheated on him but I never will and never have its annoying bce its him not me !!

Answer #8

girl, find yourself a new man, one that only needs you..men are so dumb these days, always cheating and throwing the rap of it all on us girls! your better than that..hes disgusting for have dont that to you..you can do soo much better trust me! its happened to me, and to be quite honest im in a relationship right now, and it had the same details as what you just said, im dumb to have stayed in it, but im not very happy right now..and when I think why..its because what he did…believe in yourself, and find happiness with a new lover..hes obviously not trustworthy or faithfull to you..and thatas so important in a relationship!!

Answer #9

You want to be with a cheater, not someone who respects & cares for you? Expect to get cheated on again. Staying with a cheater is basically telling them that its ok to do, since there were no consequences. If you think there is such a shortage of guys that you need to stay with a cheater, think again. A girl who feels she has no options is a girl who is really in trouble. You will never be able to have a 100% relationship. There will forever be a doubt in your mind wondering if he’ll do it again. He most likely will. Why put yourself through that? Loving him when he doesn’t honestly love you is self-destructive.

Answer #10

Be careful, how long have yall been together? And the most important question is do you feel lke he is sincere in his apoligy??Can you ever trust him again? If you forgive him too easy he wont appraciate your forgiveness, and take you for granted not long after trust me I know.. And he will look at you as weak,and needy play hard for a while ven if your lonely..

Answer #11

and like the old saying…”once a cheater, always a cheater:” its true.

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