What should I do

Well I ve been dating this guy. He got his phone taken away cause of bad grades He calls me from his home phone but whenever he does he calls me on blocked. He thinks im some kind of stalker who will call him non stop Well I was talking to him on the phone and I said something he didnt like so he hung up on me He usually calls me back when he does that cause we joke around but he hasnt called back What should I do

Answer #1

Trust me, go with angelfire2708’s advice. This guy IS NOT relationship material…!

Answer #2

He sounds VERY immature, and not ready to be in any kind of relationship! Hanging up on someone is just plain rude, and disrespectful, no matter what! Just let him be! Better yet, let him grow up!

Answer #3

You don’t need a guy that want to play those mental games. He sounds like a drama queen.

Answer #4

try and contact him? express you concern to him hanging up on you? console him if you upset him and ask what you can do to make it up to him.

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