What should I do?

Well im going out with this boy and I really like him and I think he likes me to but my friends don’t like him they call him fat he isn’t fat at all but they think he is they call him man boob and really ugly and it upsets me I mean the people they like or have been out with are no prize I just don’t know what to do because when we were at cheerleading they told our friend he’s a fat angin chav! He isn’t even a chav but for some reason I just said “i know” and I was really disappointed in myself I just don’t want him to find out because he is insecure about him being fat because everyone calls him (well people I hang round with) he keeps saying it to me on msn im fat, im fat, im fat I don’t know what to do please help :)

Answer #1

Your friends need to knock it off!! You need to tell them straight up that you accept this guy for who he is and what’s in his heart not for looks. Have a talk with your friends and, him and, you need to tell him that he’s not fat or anything. You made the choice to date him and you also made the choice to accept him for what he is not for looks. If your friends claim to be your friends then they need to stop insulting your boyfriend and, respect him. This has caused him to think that he’s fat and your friends have put him down and that makes him to do that to himself. Talk to him, tell him that everythings going to be alright and, that you’ll talk to your friends and tell them to stop insulting you. I’ll put some encouragement for him, Sir, you are not fat and all that, you’re just perfect and, stop putting yourself down and, accept the way you are. Anyway, that’s my encouragement for him. So, you too talk about it and, make those friends of yours stop right away. Good luck and I hope that you too will make this relationship last.

Answer #2

You need to tell your friends to back off. You like this guy and you will not tolerate anyone insulting him. End of story. If they’re your friends they need to respect you and your decision.

Also, talk to him. Tell him you happen to like the way he looks. You dont believe he is fat, but regardless, you still happen to like the way he looks and you dont like him putting himself down. Just tell him you dont want to hear it. And tell him your friends are idiots and you will have a talk with them. And it doesnt matter what they think, because they’re not dating him, you are. And you made that choice, you like him, no one forced you into it…

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