What should I do?

Ok so I am 20 years old and since I was 14 my period has lasted for five to seven days and the first three days are heavy. Well in the last three to four months my period has changed It still comes at the same time but it is only about three maybe four days long and very light. I have more of the brown discharge than anything else the kind that I get on the last day of my period. I have put on about 20 pounds could this be what is causing such an irregular period? Or should I see a doctor!

Answer #1

Weight gain and loss can change your cycles. As suzyboo said, you should probably go see your gynocologist in case it is caused by something else, and to get some information on birth control.

Answer #2

Ya I might have to do that it is just strange because my period has always been regular untill now.

Answer #3

since I was 12 my period use to come every month. for like a year and a half now my period comes, basically when it wants to. lol

I’ve missed my period for 4 months before. my gyno told me if I wanted to regulate it to take birth control.

so, see your obgyn ! but it might just be that your body is going through changes

Answer #4

See a doctor.

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