What should I do

Ok let me explain something about me..with this guy I have relation about 2 years..now he is in another country..I went there for stusy..but he is not doing study there and also not doing job..so I want him to come back here again I mean in our country..so I told him again and again to come back but he told me that he is doing this for our good future..and he will come after 1 year..but its going to be too painful for me to stay away from him..now he is shifting his house..so he told me that I cant give him call always cause he will be with roommate..he will feel uneasy to talk with me infront of them..but he told me that he will give me sms..am feeling too insecure..is there any possibility about distance between he and me…and should I tell him again to come back here..I really need advice..

Answer #1

ok long distance relationships dont really work. Its hard enuogh to be dating a guy in a different city. you might want to concider taking a break from him until he comes home. you might get hurt if you get into this to deep. I hope that helped. GOD BLESS:)

Answer #2

uhm I read this like 3 times and I cant really understand what the question is… sorry. funmail me if you want my advice ~kaitlyn~

Answer #3

Dear sujan, It’s difficult when you live so far apart. But the most telling is that he said not to call him and he isn’t working or in school? If he isn’t working in his own country chances are he won’t work in yours either. You should be able to call when you want unless he feels that you are going to call too many times (are you obsessed?). Things are not right in this relationship and you’ve added so much complication by being in different countries and perhaps having different cultures. Try stepping back for a while and get a clearer picture of this relationship. I suggest you talk with him and ask what he really has in mind for the future for himself…Keep your calls to once a week. Unless you can function as an independent person you can never function in a relationship. Sue…good luck

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