what should I do?

my boyfriend’s parents hate me. I hate the thought more than anything but it’s the truth. I love him with all my heart but he has some strict parents who never leave us alone. but last night we were kissing on the couch and his dad caught us. his parents don’t trust us anymore and now they won’t let us sit next to eachother on the couch, be left alone, or anything. we have our anniversary this wednesday and if it wasn’t for it being planned a week ahead of time I doubt I would’ve been able to go back over to his house. what should I do? he’s fighting with his parents and I don’t think I’m worth breaking up a family

Answer #1

Time to be really mature, swallow your pride and stir some courage up. This isn’t going to be easy but if you want to be with your boyfriend then you’ll have to stand your ground but also respect his parents wishes. This means first of all, showing them you are mature and responsible. The best way to do this is to ask to talk to them about what is happening and make things clear. Tell them how much you respect them and love their son and also how you want to avoid causing upsets in the family. Explain to them that they can trust you and that you will not do anything irresponsible and that you just want to be able to spend time with your boyfriend. Try to negotiate outings and try to understand why they won’t leave you alone. They probably don’t hate you but are just worried about their son. They might also have some strict morals as to sex so making out when they are there is not a good idea. When you are in their home, you must play by their rules and respect their wishes. It would also help if your boyfriend would negotiate with them instead of fight with them. You have to learn to communicate and talk to adults. If you are mature and your boyfriend is mature then they will better respect you and have more trust in you.

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