What should I do?

My best friend kate(shes like my sis) and I have been friends for 5 years now and we said no guy would ever get between us. Her boyfriend tod doesn’t like me and wants her to ditch me so she can hang out with his group. Earlier today she told me she told him that she ditched me and she told me that she still wants to be my friend but it has to be out of school and no one can know that we are friends. I want to be her friend and all but. I dont know what to do what should I do?

Answer #1

if she did that she is not your true friend. her and her boyfriend will not be together for ever and she will need a friend one day but dont ever let anybody put you down like that if he cannot accept you then she should not be with him and she will regret it oneday

Answer #2

OMG GET RID OF HER! wat a biach man! after 5 years she tells you she is picking her bf over you and you have to be “secret” friends, thats not a friend! you should tell her off and stop talking to her becos you will never be able to trust her again. She promised she’d never let a guy come 1st well she just did so you have every right to be really mad right now, if anyone ever said that to me id lay into em and then never speak to them again!

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