What should I be thinking?

when my boyfriend stays at mine he says he loves me and everytime he goes home he starts saying something different like “I didnt want to put myself in a position to get hurt again” And I asked him if he loved me and he said there is still some feeling but not like what there used to be yet our relationship is a lot stronger and better now? I know he avoids feelings for me when we are away from each other but its getting to a point that he’s changing his mind from I want to be with you forvever to oh well maybe we’re not perfect for each other. But he only does that when we are away from each other but im so confused. On minute its about us the nexts its I dont love him then its I love you then its oh we might not be perfect for each other and I try to talk to him but he just backs away from it more so I really dont know what to do. Should I just leave it for a bit until I can be with him or what? I’m so confused :(

Answer #1

I think that maybe he has an outside person who, and im sry, is against you two being together. im in your shoes as well but im a guy haha. hopfully your not pushing it too much because then it may seem like you are too clingy just relax enjoy the time you are with each other and hopfully he sees at the end of the day your the one consistant thing in his life and he will love you for that.

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