what shall I do with my hair??

I’ have problem with my hair its since 4 years it becomes short dry & complitly broken hair,, what king of oil or cuore to advice me to use so,, my hair will grow so quickly,, at least before my marrige

Answer #1

There is no shampoo that grows your hair but there are shampoo’s and conditioners to help it go nice and silky and not dry. Just look for the shampoos that have quotes on them like “Leaves your hair brittle free” and things like that.

Answer #2

most people would use corrot oil they sell at any beauty shop and also hair mayo don’t worry its nothin like the one we eat its like a conditioner and you mix it wit eggs and apply it to your head and cover wit a shower cap for a few mins

Answer #3

use dawn dishwashing soap and vinager it makes you hair stronger and eggs helps it grow faster

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