What Shall I do

I recently been going out with this 15 year old and im 3 and im scared hes going to want sex and I dont now what to do and im sced and want to have sex with him so some one please help

Answer #1

hey, if your scared and don’t want sex you need to make sure you don’t put yourself in situation where your not happy.

I was 15 once and my girlfriend was 13 I wasn’t the typical teenager who wanted to get layed I waited for the right girl and the right time. We waited until 3 days before her 16th Bday and I remember this because this was the first time for both of us and we wanted it to be spcial and tried to wait until her 16th bday but the house just happend to be vacant 3 days before so we took the chance.

We ended up staying together for 5 years before splitting up and I loved her so much.

My advice to you is to be carful and don’t do something you don’t want to do. If your really scared make sure your not in a position where your both alone together and drinking alcohol becuase that will affect your judgement and you may regret it.

If you do give in to the idea and you want sex with him make sure you use protection and don’t feel presured into it. Only do something you are happy with and don’t do it for him becuase if he is your dream guy he will wait and if he doesn’t wait then you probably don’t want a guy like that anyway

Answer #2

You shouldnt be wanting to do any of the “sex things”! Why do you think he wants to date you? He knows he can get what he wants, because you are very young. He will use you, then move on to the next naive little girl who doesnt know any better.

Answer #3

I now I want to tho and I dont now how to do any of that sex things and im 13 and he 15 so hes going to now more than me

Answer #4

If you feel pressured into something you don’t want to do don’t be afraid to say no. If he doesn’t understand that you don’t want to then you seriously don’t want to be with a guy like him. He will want to wait until you are both are comfortable with it and not force anything on you. Don’t let him make you feel guilty for saying no if you don’t want to. Make it special and not something you don’t really want to do.

Now if you do decided that you want to do it make sure it’s for you and not only him. Use protection!! I would advise waiting though a couple years until you do this.

Answer #5

Most of the time, thats why older boys date younger girls, because they are very vulnerable, and naive!

Answer #6

wait! your 3?

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice