What's your openion?

so lately I have been really super tired, I am experencing mood swings like I never have had befor. I’m naucious (throwing up like every other day). I have also lost my appetite like I have no intrest in food I’m only eating when my husband does. What do you think it is?

Answer #1

Either you’re pregnant or you’re anemic. Have you had sex recently? Are you not eating green colored foods or foods high in Iron? Go to the doctor cause anemia is not good(if you dont know what that is funmail me). I am anemic and I have the same symptoms as you.

Answer #2

Um you very well could be pregnant?

There’s also a change it could be a thyroid issue. Ask family members if anyone has a history of it… but I highly doubt this.

Your pregnant.

Answer #3

Exactly what you think.

Answer #4

tak a pregnant test because girl you is pregnant!!

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