What's your favorite abbreviation?

I’m sure you guys have favorite abbreviations! Which one are they, how often do you use them! I like to use ‘’lol’’ a lot, if you know me enough you notice that I stick them everywhere :P

Which are your faves and do you have any special one that you made yourself? Just wondering, silly question that I needed to ask haha!

Answer #1

Yeah, my trademark is a smiley face :) lol (and ‘lol’) Or ‘haha’… I say that a lot, too. I was IMing my friend, he said ‘hey!’ and I said hey, so and so.. and they thought I was having a bad day because I didn’t use a smiley lol. But my main ones are haha, lol, wtf and lmao. :)

Answer #2

Now that Heaven reminded me! I’ll answer my own question!

I made my own abbreviaton a while back ‘’idgi’’ try and guess what it is if you can!

Answer #3

My favorite ones has to be LMAO or WTF. I don’t know to me they’re just more fun to use than lol. I mostly just use them when I comment on youtube videos

Answer #4

None that I made up because I’m not cool like that :) Oh wait, I did use ykwibsd once in a joke (you know what I be saying dog…haha). Other than that, lmao has become a more frequent addition to my vocab recently. Not sure why.

Answer #5

The one that Heaven made up. Ykwibsd (You know what I be sayin dawg)?

Publicity, first step to getting it out there! Lol.

Answer #6

I hate abbreviations. So much. I believe the only one I’ve ever used was ‘brb’, and 95% I actually write out ‘be right back’, I was just really rushed in that instance for some reason. I do however use smileys, I use those quite often and don’t have a huge problem with them, unless someone’s only response to something is a smiley. Then I don’t respond half the time because I don’t know what to say to it.

Answer #7

My favorite one is one I’m generally wise not to use.


IMHO, IMNSHO and FWIW are other good ones.

One that always bugged me was TIA. I understand the reasoning behind this is the person will not have to send another email thanking you but it still seems dumb. When someone insists on using TIA I usually reply you’re welcome in retrospect though I haven’t tried to popularize YWIR as an abbreviation.

Answer #8

Is it… I dont give in? Lol, I don’t know just a guess. The abreviations a love best are the smiley faces =O =/ =) =D XP

   D=      D:    DX   

The best way I know how to express my myself (especially emotions) is through pictures! It helps me get across what I’m trying to say if the can see my facial expressions… or in this case, smiley facial expressions X)

Answer #9


We need to let the world no till its as famous azz lol and wtf

Answer #10

Definately Lol, Lmao, and Omg

Answer #11

My favorites are lol lmao idgi & usally smiley faces…

Answer #12

srsly - seriously orlynao - oh really, now?

Answer #13

Is your abbreviation, “I don’t get it”?

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