What's wrong with my lip?

I have this huge painful bump on my inner lip. Could it be Herpes? Or is it just a cold sore? How do you get herpes? From sex? Kissing? Sharing Drinks? I do have sexually activity with my boyfriend of two years but I know for a fact he does not have herpes. And if this is just a cold sore, what can I put on it to make it better?

Any answers will help. Thank You

Answer #1

If what you are describing is on the INSIDE of the mouth then it is not a cold sore but rather a canker sore. The 2 are often confused. Canker sores are caused by stress, tissue damage and acidic foods whereas cold sores are caused by herpes simplex 1.

There are 2 types of herpes. Simplex 1 (oral herpes) and Simplex 2 (genital herpes)

Simplex 1 is spread through saliva and is pretty contagious. It causes cold sores around the mouth. If you have a cold sore you have simplex one. It’s very common. You can get it from your aunt kissing you during the family reunion.

Simplex 2 is spread mainly through body fluids downstairs and blood. It causes sores on and near the genitals.

Interestingly though is that a person may have either one but never have sores(or have an initial outbreak and never get it again) but can still pass it to someone else.

Most STD tests do not test for herpes.

They are almost the same virus but one settles into the nerves just behind the ears, causing outbreaks at the nearest mucous spot which happens to be the mouth. The other settles in the nerves at the base of the spine and causes outbreaks in the nearest mucous spot, being the genitals.

xox Sika

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