What's wrong with my brother?

Okay, my brother has been touching my rear. Hes 11 years old. I guess he is just trying to be annoying when he does that but I wish he would find another way to annoy me because this is just making me feel weird and uncomfortable. He recently started doing this and I don’t know where he got this idea from…anyway I yelled at my brother and told him to stop and he didn’t…so I told my mom and she said to leave it alone. He is just “curious”. and I understand that he’s at that age where hes about to hit puberty but I don’t like him touching me…should I just leave it alone like my mom said? and.let him keep doing it until it passes (which I hope it does)? I thought it was inappropriate but my mom says its not. Is she right?

Answer #1

Thanks for answering everyone! I appreciate it. I like advicegrl, whatintheworld, and amberlittle’s advice. But I especially like amberlittles. Thanks amber. I think I might try that first.

Answer #2

I dont think theres nothing wrong with your brother however your mom needs to have a talk with him and tell him that he should not be touching you like that , that it makes you feel uncomfortable. im sure it will pass, but your mom needs to let him know thats not cool

Answer #3

Yeah, he is definitely trying to annoy you. Nothing is wrong with him, but do not leave it alone. Tell him it is not right for a brother to be doing that to a sister. I would be creeped out too. Don’t yell at him either, that just makes him think it is a game. Sit him down and say something like, “Could you please stop smacking my butt? You are my brother and you are not supposed to do that to your sister.” Yeah, I am not so good in this area. I am the youngest so…not so great.

Answer #4

Its not inappropriate persay cause hes so young but you have to keep telling him that its not right to touch girls the way he does or hes gonna just get a bad view on things. Anyways im sure it will pass but if it keeps getting worse get help

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