What's wrong with me?

I broke up with my first boyfriend in september of last year, and I’ve been dating my new boyfriend for 5 months. Lately I have been thinking about my ex a lot, I don’t know why. He wasn’t that great to me, and he dumped me because he couldn’t “handle my depression.” My new boyfriend is amazing and I love him with all my heart. I don’t understand though why I think about my ex a lot lately and why I get jealous hes dating other girls and may find a new girlfriend soon. What is wrong with me? Also My ex was my first boyfriend and the boy I lost my virginity to. Please help me.

Answer #1

noww that the weather is getting warmerr it feels more like while you and your ex were datingg. me andd my boyfriend have been dating for almost a yearr and I like him even more now that im starting to see just what I used to see in him again, because the atmosphere is the samee.

Answer #2

well girls are always in love with their first boyfriends your probly feeling that it shouldnt have ended that way and that you should still be connected with him some how. just try doing things to get your mind off of him.

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