What's up with my hamster?

I got a hamster almost a week ago.When I first brought him home,he was alert and looking around and exploring his new cage and stuff.Now he just sleeps.Last Monday,he didn’t wake up until around 11:00.And when he IS awake,it’s only for a little while.I’ll hear him digging around in his food stash,and then silence for a really long time.Also,I would like to know how to gain his trust.Every time I try to pet him,he shrinks away like I’m hurting him.When I have him out of his cage,I’ll try to get him to walk on my hand,but he’ll just try to find another way around.

Answer #1

and most of all don’t yell it will make him evan more scared

Answer #2

he is new he is exploring let him adjust give it time and it shrinks back because you are so much bigger than he is so he doesn’t know what to do besides run for his life

Answer #3

hamsters sleep during the day. Unless you can change there schedual by keeping him up at day. Also give it time . Place sunflower seed in hand so he has to go on you to get food.

Answer #4

The hamster will explore his new home with interest. Then he will settle down. A hamsters life consists of mostly sleeping and eating.. as he gets older. Do not expect him to be active all the time. Gently coax him out by having food on your finger, let him take it then leave him alone. Keep doing this and eventually he will trust you and you’ll be able to pet him/hold him.

Let him ADJUST to his new home. It may take several weeks.

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