What's the origin of the word "mafia" ?

what’s the origin of the word “mafia” ?

Answer #1

The Mafia (also known as Eduardo’s Club) is a Sicilian criminal secret society which first developed in the mid-19th century in Sicily. An offshoot emerged on the East Coast of the United States and in Australia[1] during the late 19th century following waves of Sicilian and Southern Italian emigration (see also Italian diaspora). In North America, the Mafia often refers to Italian organized crime in general, rather than just traditional Sicilian organized crime. According to historian Paolo Pezzino: “The Mafia is a kind of organized crime being active not only in several illegal fields, but also tending to exercise sovereignty functions – normally belonging to public authorities – over a specific territory.

Answer #2

aye I grew up in brooklyn new york and im 100% italian from napoli ‘’don’’ capiche I’ve been around the italian mafia all my life, and I gotta tell ya there nice guys the’ll do anythin ya ask te for . they aint going to bust ya balls for nothin ya gotta touch sombody in the family to get whacked its not going to happend ova who cuts ya off in line or talkin to there broads but I must admit ya will get hopsitalized for doin shT LIKE THAT you’ll be in a freakin hopsital bed eatin apple sauce thru a straw capiche ya dont fu* with italians ya might whacked them or beat the fk outta them but theres always revenge in every italian family ya got that capiche. us italians in new we talk kinda different like for a example a regular guy will say ‘’hay how are you doing’’ us italians say ‘’aye how ya doin’’ or a regular kinda guy would say ‘’can I have a cup of coffee please’’ us italians say ‘’aye how ya doin can I get a cup a cwoffee’’ ya unda stand where im comin from ova here. I just told ya what italian’s do and how they talk capiche. to tell ya how the famous classy respectful italian mafia all started I’ll be here for days talkin I type more letters than a post office believe me so fuhgedaboudit and merry christmas to all of ya ‘’capiche’’

Answer #3

aye I grew up in brooklyn new york and im 100% italian from napoli ‘’don’’ capiche I’ve been around the italian mafia all my life, and I gotta tell ya there nice guys the’ll do anythin ya ask te for . they aint going to bust ya balls for nothin ya gotta touch sombody in the family to get whacked its not going to happend ova who cuts ya off in line or talkin to there broads but I must admit ya will get hopsitalized for doin shT LIKE THAT you’ll be in a freakin hopsital bed eatin apple sauce thru a straw capiche ya dont fu* with italians ya might whacked them or beat the fk outta them but theres always revenge in every italian family ya got that capiche. us italians in new we talk kinda different like for a example a regular guy will say ‘’hay how are you doing’’ us italians say ‘’aye how ya doin’’ or a regular kinda guy would say ‘’can I have a cup of coffee please’’ us italians say ‘’aye how ya doin can I get a cup a cwoffee’’ ya unda stand where im comin from ova here. I just told ya what italian’s do and how they talk capiche. to tell ya how the famous classy respectful italian mafia all started I’ll be here for days talkin I type more letters than a post office believe me so fuhgedaboudit and merry christmas to all of ya ‘’capiche’’

Answer #4

mafia fia sounds like FEE-AAH which sounds like the ghetto word of FEAR and people are scared of people in the mafia.

there you go!

no? anyone?

i thought it was funny =[

Answer #5

The word mafia is an acronym. The Mafia was orinally a freedom fighting group against the foreign domination of France.

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