What's supermeaning?

Im confused now.- English isn’t my mother tongue . How can you people recite so many words?~ And how do you recite words .thanks

Answer #1

Just remember this: all words originated from somewhere either the prefix or the suffix has some kind of meaning and maybe not in english. Most of the english langauge comes from latin or other langauges. If you can understand the origin of the langauge, it will be a lot easier to decipher.

Answer #2

It’s really something a person picks up. Your raised around that language for so long that after a while you can use slang words that still mean the same thing, but sound different. That’s how I am with Spanish. I’m not very good at it because of all the different words that mean the same thing, and I have to be careful with what word I choose. What do you mean by And how do you recite words Like, how do we pronounce them?

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