What's something guys like?

So what do you guys like about girls? I know every guy is different, but I’m just wondering what you like most. Umm…would you rather have a girl wear a lot of makeup and thick eyeliner, or less? What kind of personalities attract you? Do girls always have to be perfect and sweet for you to crush on them, or what? Just curious…:)

Answer #1

Pity laughs are good also a girl who can say no

Answer #2

Well girl, it’s simple… but not really. hey if a girl has the time for me, then I should make the time for her and I usually do, girls with makeup don’t sway my mind either way, however without it is a plus because, I get to see who you really are, and to see your natural beauty XD, I like girls who are extremely unique, like there hair style or the we they act in curtain situations especially how they laugh (I love it when a girl has a nice laugh), and like they sway from the mainstream but aren’t afraid to ask for help. and for me to have a crush on a girl is just based off of what her personality makeup is like (she has to be nice but tough and cute, sophisticated and being alluring is nice to), and of course I consider there body, does it curve the way I like… ? :/… that kind of stuff

that’s kind of a lot, but probably not… hope I helped :)

Answer #3

For me intelligence and sense of humor are the most important things. I’ll notice an attractive woman but if she is an idiot that is a deal breaker.

I’ve dated women who wore makeup all the time and were fashion conscious, women with very unconventional styles, and women who thought it was too much bother and wore sweats most of the time. This isn’t that big a deal to me.

Nobody is perfect and I prefer a woman with some spunk and independence to one who is always sweet. Sweet gets old but complexity can be appreciated forever.

Answer #4

Kindness is the most important attribute to me.

Answer #5

I like a girl who enjoys doing the samethings I do…someone that likes the outdoors and likes to travel. I want a girl who can hang with me when I go snowboarding or hiking. A pretty face is a plus of course but if a girl is in good shape ( fit ) likes the outdoors and can have a good time then that will make a big impact on me.

Oh and I’m not a fan of makeup…

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