What's EDnos?

I’ve been seeing it around this site… and I can tell it’s some sort of eating disorder thing. but what is it exactly? and dont send me some link or a long copy-and-paste. -_-

Answer #1

Eating disorder non otherwise specific, When a patient presents with symptoms that don’t fit anorexia bulimia ect, they might have a mix of different eating disorder symptoms.

Answer #2

Dear iffy, ED-NOS explained: A person who severely restricts food intake but is not yet underweight by DSM-I’ve standards A female who meets all other criteria for anorexia but continues to have regular menstrual periods. A person who regularly binges WITHOUT engaging in inappropriate compensatory behaviors such as purging (also known as binge eating disorder). Someone who binges and purges but does not meet the frequency or duration requirements for a diagnosis of bulimia Someone who regularly purges after eating regular amounts of food, but is not yet “clinically underweight.” Someone who regularly chews food and spits it out without swallowing, but does not meet the criteria for either bulimia or anorexia. Any individual who is recovering from or just about to enter one of the “specified” eating disorders. Sue…good luck

Answer #3

^ yeah I was the same when I 1st had my eating disorder. I did anorexia things and thought like an anorexic, so I thought I was. but then I found out I didn’t meet the weight/periods criteria. so I was ednos until I meet then, them I was anorexic. confusing stuff I know.

Answer #4

I didnt know of ednos until recently so I know where you are coming from..I just thought there were ana and bulimia nothing else but there is a lot more.. I thought I was ana but come to find out I am ednos and think ana..

Answer #5

ohhh. k thanks. =]

Answer #6

thanks sue. that really helped. :]

Answer #7

ednos = Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

it’s when you don’t meet all the criteria of anorexia or bulimia, so they just call you ednos.

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