What's an "innuendo?"

read it in a book, what’s it mean?

Answer #1

it’s suggestive comments…like a tongue-in-cheek comment. Like you don’t come out and say it but both people know what it means. It usually has a sexual connotation.

Answer #2

From Answers.com

in·nu·en·do (ĭn’yū-ĕn’dō) n., pl. -does.

An indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in expression; an insinuation.


a. A plaintiff’s interpretation in a libel suit of allegedly libelous or slanderous material.

b. A parenthetic explanation of a word or charge in a legal document.

        Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

Answer #3

OH, thanks, lmao, that makes sense.

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