What's an advantage of being a tall twig?

I’m a 14 year old girl and I’m 5 foot 7 inches tall and 108 lb. I hate being tall! Everywhere I go I stand out and most adult women are shorter than me! In elementary school I was always in the top row. My friends are all in a range of 5”2-5”5. I hate being taller than them! Can anyone tell me an advantage of being a tall twig?

Answer #1

I’m not as tall as you, but I used to know what it was like to be called a twig. An advantage is there are taller people out there, and you can gain weight also. That is how I got through, I was the twiggiest one in my grade haha! It’s okay. Maybe you can be a model, they like people with that figure I guess, but they try to keep you skinny forever so I don’t know if you would want that job.

Answer #2

Well, I’m 5’2 and I would really love to be tall sometimes. A lot of my friends are like 5’0 or 5’2 and we’re always saying, “I think I got taller!” lol. But I also have a lot of friends who are like 6’0-6’3… I always feel so short around them. But they never seem to care that they’re more than a foot taller than me. So in the end, we really just have to be ok with how we are (kinda cheesy, I know… lol, but it’s true). And we have to accept that we’re not going to get much taller, or that we can’t shrink. I’m sure there are plenty of girls who wish who they were as tall as you, anyway. Plus, ladydon07 is right. Models are usually tall!

Answer #3

hey:] I have this same problem. I used to be short and know im 5’9 I dont like being taller than my friendsss though, but you should be happy with your body b.c some girls want to be tall:] but I think an advantage is a lot of guys are tall:] lol hope this helped:]

Answer #4

problie wont stay that way so dont worry if your seeing this as a problem but hey if ya want to go into modeling and this coninues there you go

Answer #5

God I wish I was you! Im 19 and I think im just too short for my age. You may hate yo height now but one day ull appreciate it. And honestly I do envy you!

Answer #6

im soo not proud of bein tall I want to shrink! im taller than all my family (even my dad) and I hate it so much x

Answer #7

You think you’re tall? I’m a 5’11-6’0 female and a lot of MEN are midgets to me. It’s embarrassing. I think you’re really lucky. Most of my friends are a foot shorter than me; no joke either. The worst part is…I’m only thirteen. I’m still growing a few more inches as well. The doctor said I will probably be 6’2-6’3…I’m glad I’m not like 7 feet like that Sally Walters or whatever her name is.

Answer #8

Honestly, this won’t last very long… I was 5’7” in middle school. I always said “I can’t wait till high school!” guys started gettin their growth spurts.. haha, yeah!

why wouldn’t you want to stand out any way? I’m 5’10” now and yeah, sometimes I think about being short, but if I was I wouldn’t be as noticeable. Hellooo, models are tall, being tall is extremely desirable! plus, your height is actually quite average, maybe 2 inches taller than the female average I think.

and if your worried about guys, I always say “that’s what athletes are for” =P My boyfriend is 6’3” and played football all through high school. I can still wear heels ^_^

play basketball, you’ll instantly b around more tall people and actually realize you’re not a skyscraper. lol

I love being tall. embrace it! anyway, whether your short or tall, you are you. You should always see yourself as beautiful ^_^

Answer #9

When your tall and skinny you can model? And judging by your photo you’re very pretty. You should try it :o

Answer #10

um well im like 5”3

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