What's a good slogan to represent Australia?

Can you think of a good slogan to represent Australia?? Not “where the bloody hell are you”. LOL.

Answer #1

I think something to do with the Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin. Of course you know of him.

Answer #2

Come and visit the land of Rolf Harris and Digereedoos.

(Thats for you bigmuma)



Answer #3

“Australia: Where men are men, and sheep are nervous!”

Sorry, just making a joke. I love Australia, it’s so lovely and warm there!

Answer #4

So were the bloody hell are you…lol

Dunno home of the aussie slang

Answer #5

lex thats new zealand where the sheep are nervous. lol. Here its the all about the drop bears and hoop snakes.

Answer #6

Duh…good one Lex…rolls eyes

Come to Australia, then bugger off…bloody tourists!!!

Answer #7

“Australia…more poisonous snakes than people!.”

Answer #8

“welcome to the land down under”…I love that song

Answer #9

lol…well theres also that “land of the free, home of the brave” one

Answer #10

Welcome to bugmumas house !!!

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