What products do you avoid in a generic brand?

Even if you have to live on a small budget, what product do you always buy brand name? I’m all about the good toilet paper.

Answer #1

always go with the crisco ( not the fake stuff), and …I just don’t think it’s a good idea to go with the generic pregnancy test. I’ve seen them at the dollar store…I just wouldn’t want to put my fate into the hands of a product made by who knows! also…cheese. always go with tillamook. it is second to none!

Answer #2

paper towels.

Answer #3

Im with you megy. I hate rip your arse of toilet paper…But in saying that I also hate the posh stuff that when you wipe its so soft that half of it stays on your arse. I also hate no brand can food. Im a snob with some things and im not with others. sorry about telling you about my toilet paper problems.

Answer #4

I used scott toilet paper it last a reallly looong time … but the regular kind isnt very soft but the scott extra soft is soft soo I would recommend scott extra soft last long!!

Answer #5

I was in the toilet dropping my brown boy in the swimming poool. when I looked into the toilet cardboard roll thing and it said “ loves your bum “ I cracked up and showed everyone haha but yerr I hate the toilet paper in the public toilets ( I avoid them as much as possible )

Answer #6

shampoo, toothpaste, pop/soda (none of that dr. thunder crap), cat litter, Tp is a great one! usually the only generic items I will buy are cleaning supplies like glass cleaner and stuff like that.

Answer #7

I have a sensitivity to the arse reigon. I like to look after it. I also like expensive toothpaste as well. I get the one that has tinsy little breath strips in it its cool.

Answer #8

Great question! I will agree 100% about the TP. There are actually only a few generic things I will buy, after trying many. Sandwich bags, scouring pads, sponges, everything else needs to be name brand.

Answer #9

Well, I’m only 18-years-old so I don’t live on my own. But my mom… shes all about the toilet paper too. She wont use anything except Charmens Toilet Paper, she says the other brands aren’t as soft. My parents hate buying no-name things, but sometimes have to when its a tight week.

Answer #10

I buy name-brand things like Sellotape or Scotch tape, because all the generic ones are hard to peel and cut, and then don’t stick well. I’m the same with most other stationery items - glue, marker pens etc. Cheap ones just don’t last long enough to be worth the money.

But otherwise, like you, I buy a lot of generics. My moto is: ‘Buy the cheapest version once, and it it’s good enough, buy it again. If it’s not good enough, try the next price up and so on’. But I do spend more on ethical things, for example I only buy Fair Trade tea, coffee, chocolate and bananas, because that’s not just for my own good, but for the good of the people who make them. I spend a bit more on those things, then a bit less on others by buying generics.

Answer #11

if I had to choose between cottonelle with aloe and my arm and hammer toothpaste, I’m definately protecting my booty. big muma, you crack me up with your TP issues, but I think everyone has the same problem. Oh, and I figured out my second to TP, Tampons.

Answer #12

I could care less bout what kind of tpaper I use, I go for the name brand toothpaste, I mean that actually goes in your mouth, and helps your teeth, and breath, and stuff. thats what really matters!

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