What me and the guy did today..

Okay so this guy I’ve been seeing for about a month and I decided to take it to the next level..we went to his house and messed around for a good hour and a half and then he got up, took a shower, and when he came back he acted like nothing happened. We went outside, smoked a cigerette drove around and then he dropped me off. Like I dont get it?is that normal? I havent done anything with a guy in like a year so im kinda hurting and really confused. He didnt even ask me if I was ok..is there something wrong?

Answer #1

Hun, what arent you getting? HE IS USING YOU!!! You arent boyfriend/girilfriend so why are you sleeping with him? I told you before that If your not boyfriend/girlfriend that you shouldnt be getting physical with him, but you arent listening!! Its obvious that he doesnt care the least about you, only what you can give him sexually. Sex does NOT equal love, and it doesnt mean a relationship!!

I havent done anything with a guy in like a year so im kinda hurting and really confused.>>So you think that giving a guy sex your not even in a relationship with is going to make you stop hurting? You are only causing yourself MORE hurt, and MORE confusion! STOP HAVING SEX!! You need to realize that you are NOT seeing this guy. You are nothing more than Friends with Benefits!!!

Answer #2

sounds like the guy was just taking advantage of you and he doesnt care about you at all. thats all he wanted. sorry but thats proabably it. dump him hes not good for you, find someone that treats you with respect and let them know that your hurt and you dont want to mess around for a while. if the new guy sticks around and doesnt pressure you then you have got urself a great guy on your hands and you can probably trust him!

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