What,,, me and my boyfriend...?

Ok… Well first of all… My boyfriend I love todeath… But all he wants is for me to tend to his every whimm… Im 14, and hes 17… I don’t know… And when I dont, he gets ~realllyyy~ madd, and we usually end up in a huge argument.. And when I said that I was leaving him, he begged me to stay, I mean he really begged… Urrrggghhh… I dont want to leave him, and I still love him… I don’t know what to do anymore..

Answer #1

depends what he does when he gets mad. lol when my boyfriend gets mad he throws shit, and punches me in the arm, but he’s also very well lets just say “not in tune”. not like normal guys. he doesnt care about anything, until he gets all pumped finaly and lets loose on everything. including me) well if he hurts ya get outa there. no use. and I understand the love part. what does he make ya do, that he gets pissy if you dont do it?? he is very reliable on you, and thats why he doesn’t want to lose you. but mabye after you guys take a break he can b on his own for a while./and build up his confidence, and then you guys can come back together. I can tell you guys love each other. me and my boyfriend do the same thing, just its almost the oposite. but nomatter how pissed I get at him, ill never leave him. lol, I think im the reliable one.

Answer #2

If a guy were ever to assault me that way I would leave him that very second! He doesn’t love you obviously if he treats you like crap. Best thing you can do is leave him because trust me he will not change, sadly though I’m pretty sure you’ll end up staying with him (most girls aren’t strong enough to move on from such a ridicule situation) so all I can say is to work on your self esteem, you do deserve to be treated well by the person you love…don’t wait for it to get worse, the more you put it aside the worse it will get. I hope you don’t find this when it becomes too late and the hard way.

Answer #3

well firt of all he likes to have sex… so when I dont screw him… he gets really pissed… he chokes me sometimes… like not to the point I black out or nothing… but he gets me by the throat, and slams me into the wall… and he drinks… so I can tell what he will be like when he is drunk… I have bruises on my arms, and stomach from him… and I just dont know what to do… I am getting tired of his shit, but I dont want to loose him… I mean yea im 14, and hes 17… but we have… well HAD something.. I think I will leave for s while, or try.. and see what happens.. thanks EPTILE

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