What makes you happy?

I’m feeling kinda down. My life just sucks a little right now and it’s pissing me off and making me sad. So I was wondering what you all do when you feel bad to make yourself happier?

Answer #1

When ever Im sad I always look forward to my future like everything I want to do or be… so pretty much my dreams. It cheers me up… but then again so does ice cream so if that does not work for you then a whole tub of ben a jerrys will. Anyways hope you feel better soon

Answer #2

Whenever I feel depressed or sad, I always read my church scriptures or listen to music, or play on the computer. Another thing that makes me happy and feel better is getting out of the apartment for awhile.

Answer #3

SlipKnoT makes me release all of my energy. Do that, or scream. write it down, draw a picture, sing a song, watch funny sh*t on the computer. Think of how unlucky people are in this world and think of all the things you have.

Answer #4

sarah brightman music! flurs du mal look it up on youtube the kind of music it is called classical crossover so it sounds kind of goth and opera and even a little bit rock and roll! maybe check out “mysterious days”!! get her album “dive” and you could go to sleep with it on I think I am going to do this tonight because sometimes I get very sad like knowing my teacher had liver cancer for a whole year and I didnt see her for a whole year the last time I saw her was my graduation lunch and her introducing me to the college people and yesterday june 20 2008 friday heaven needed another angel so she died I miss her so much she was like the only teacher,other adult that really understood me and gave me the best answers! I MISS HER SO MUCH! SOBS YOU COULD HELP ME OUT WITH THIS PROBLEM IT WOULD BE GREAT SOME ONE CONTACT ME PLEASE!! SEND ME SOME FUN MAIL ABOUT THIS!!

Answer #5

aww welcome to my world!..BUT WHY ARE YOU FEELING DOWN? deas gota be a reason why you feel like that? hehe wel I think you should do what you love doing…

Take care of your health by eating well and exercising. Find your spiritual path…see a therapist to work through unresolved issues, if necessary. Do the things you love like…reading, dancing, writing, watching movies, traveling around the world …connect with friends…learn all you can..always be open to growth, be it intellectual, spiritual or emotional..and listen to your heart’s desire, your calling … and honor it.

Be not afraid of life get out of that shell and enjoy life!.. believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact LIVE LIFE, LAUGH OFTEN, LOVE MUCH..:):)

Answer #6

Lol. Green paperclips. That’s really funny. But anyway, what I do to take my mind off depression is drawing. I can draw Looney Tunes, Rugrats, Pokemon, Disney characters and many more things. It’s a bit like what they call “Art Therapy”. Once you start drawing, you just become absorbed in what you’re doing. If you like that sort of thing, that is.

Answer #7

JESUS CHRIST AND HIS DEATH FOR MY SINS ON THE CROSS!!! and starbucks, the beach, and chillin with my friends…evangelizing!!!

Answer #8

I look at all the things I have and am grateful for - the things I take advantage of everyday, like; my family, a roof over my head, food in the house, etc. Because I know theres other people in this world that literally have nothing, so when I’m down I think of how lucky I am.

Answer #9

I don’t get sad anymore. when I used to feel depressed I would remember a few tricks to talk me out of that feeling. Two quotes may help #1. Be Here Now. Which is to say to concentrate only on this moment. Also concentrate on breathing. when absorbed in breathing all thoughts go away. #2 This Too Shall Pass. This is helpful when in hard times but it also remains true for good things too. I think the best exercise is to write down everything you are grateful for . Also, nature has a way of making me feel in awe of this universe we live in. Find joy in little things. If you try very hard to think in a positive way you negate sadness. Stop all negative thinking and try these these suggestions. I hope you find the joy that does surround you.

Answer #10

If I have no one to make me smile, I listen to music and sing. Or sometimes I’ll vent through poetry or just writing a few paragraphs.

Answer #11

I usually go talk to my family or friends and they usually make me laugh and forget about everything bad in my life. or I sleep for a little and when I wake up I feel so much better.

Answer #12

When I get down, I do the irrisponsible thing and drink and other bad choices. So… I’m still looking for the one thing that makes me happy. I think the closest I ever got was listening to Music and making a rose out of duct tape.

Answer #13

greeen paperclips

Answer #14

I listen to my favorite songs. :) Or I call my friends. Depends on the situation.

Answer #15

I let myself CRY it all out. After washing my face/shower, I usually feel refreshed because I didn’t just keep it inside. The trick is to let your emotions out and then wash it away. You’re now ready for a new day and a happier you.

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