Limewire legal question?

My friend got limewire. Yeah yeah, I know that SOME of the downloads are not legal. I personally, am not really for it. I prefer to buy my music. Either way, she asked me to look up a question on here. When you go to download a song, on the far left it will say “__P2P users” a number will be in the blank. I am aware p2p stands for peer-2-peer, on limewire anyways. She is nervous about limewire, because she doesn’t want to download a virus. So her main question was : Is it safer to download songs with lower or higher numbers of P2P users?


Answer #1

PS- If you stop buying music there will be no money to pay the people that make it, therefore making it impossable to steal later. How would you like it if someone was stealing your art?

Answer #2

.mp3 files are perfectly safe. And you want to download the one with the most P2P users. The more users = faster download. It’s also more likely to be a quality file if more people are sharing it.

ps- buying music is so old school

Answer #3

Hey. This is me again. I have AVG and Malwarebytes. They seem to work pretty good, so I’m not gonna worry too much. Thanks for your answer C:

Answer #4

I guess it would be safer to download from less people because you are less likely to get a virus. I would get a good free virus system like MalwareBytes, McAfee or avast!. The number of people you download it from doesn’t really matter though. It’s safer to just buy.

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