What kind of things should I talk to him about?

There’s this guy I want to get to know better but I have absolutely no idea what to start a conversation about…something spontaneous… just do you have any ideas of a good reason of why I would have to talk to him (please keep in mind that I dont normally talk to him so it would be a bit weird if I just went up and said ‘hows it going’ or something like that) Thanks.

Answer #1

What guys are most interested in talking about…is what they are most interested in. Are there any clues? Does he love sports? Does he play on any teams? Does he have hobbies you know about? If you can find a clue…just ask him questions about things HE likes… Giving HIM a chance to talk , about what he likes..and try hard to be interested… Then , ask him about news you’ve heard, or mention something about the school, or up coming trips or dances or something…and ask what he thinks.
Maybe no other girls ever asked him what HE thinks..and they have just wanted to rattle on about stuff he’s not interested in… then you’ll be way ahead.

If nothing he’s interested in, interests you… Then maybe there’s no reason for you to be interested in him… (except looks, and looks is NOTHING compared to common interests).

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