What kind of hairstlyes can I do with culy hair?

I have really curly hair and I do not know what to do with it. what kinda hairstlyes can I try?

Answer #1

straighten your hair!!! you will have a ton more options in hairstyles! :)

Answer #2

A lot of people say that people will curly hair don’t have many hairstyle options. Well, they’re wrong. Straightening your hair would be bad. It burns and breaks hair and looks terrible. What you can do is use bows, ribbons, headbands. That looks the best. If you want a prettier hairstyle, you can pull either the sides of your hair up. I think it’s called an up and down hairstyle. It’ll look gorgeous with curly hair. I hope this helped!!!

Answer #3

Well my sis has curly hair and what she does is she puts in up in buns, pony tails, depending on how curly your hair is you really cant do much play around with bows, hair bands, and clips…even try (if you can) parting it different just play around and find stuff that looks good on you. Hope I helped…

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