What good books do you recommend?

I like 2 read not a lot but I do. but I can’t never find a book im interested in. sumtimes when I check sum out I dont read em, I like real life,scary,mystery,and funny…any advice?

Answer #1


Pendragon(its awesome and has the worst name EVER its not about dragons) Twilight (awesome)

Its not much but im only giving you what I know everyone would LOVE I hope you do :D PEACE

Answer #2

I read two really good books by Keith Hartman:

 The Gumshoe, the Witch, and the Virtual Corpse

 Gumshoe Gorilla

These books defy catigorization. They are set in the near future (2025) and are mystic, sci-fi, romance, detective novels. Each short chapter is told in first person from the persepective of a different character in the book.

I bought the first one for my step-daughter after reading a review of it. I decided to read some of it to make sure the book was good before giving it to her but I ended up reading the whole thing. She liked the first one so much that as soon as Gumshoe Gurilla came out she got it then gave it to me to read. We are both hoping that Mr. Hartman writes more sequels.

Answer #3

The Lovely bones by Alice SeBold

Summary- Susie Salmon was a 14 year old living a normal life. She was in love with someone she was never able to reply to. The story gets set off with a boom. She gets raped then killed by her neighbor. She’s hidden underground, and she dies. She goes to heaven and watches as her family gets torn apart. Her mother cheats, her sister mourns, her dad goes to the hospital, her lil baby brother forgets. And years pass by in this book. She also watches as her murderer covers his tracks and gets away. This is an amazing book for numerous reasons. It is filled with joy, sadness, and romance. Alice SeBold is an amazing author that is able to illuminate so many things. This book is a national bestseller and you should read it. It is simply amazing.

Answer #4

the books I recommend are: Maximum ride Pretty little liars-kinda mystery but lots drama The clique-has drama and funny thats all I can say rite now

Answer #5

if you like book with a lot of drama in it read the coldest winter ever(its not reall about te season winter thats the girls namE) very interesting

Answer #6

have you reas the twilight books by stephinie myers. those are the best books I have ever read. Maximum ride Uglies tantalized blue bloods I love to read

Answer #7

I prefer mystery, or thriller, and some of my favorite authors are Patricia Cornwell, Iris Johanson, and Sue Grafton. Also Tami Hoag, and James Patterson are really good. Have fun reading!

Answer #8

The Lost Boy , A Child Called “IT”.There really good…They are based on true a story..I cried!!!

Answer #9

“The Great Controversy” by Ellen White. This book will blow your sox off! “The Desire of Ages” also by Ellen White. “Steps To Christ” again by E G White

Happy reading.

God bless

Answer #10

I thought these were amazing:

Gossip Girl series the It Girl the Clique Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse (Stephanie Meyer) My Sister’s Keeper (Jodi Picoult) Forever, Are you there god, it’s me margaret, deenie (Judy Bloom)

Answer #11

The TWILIGHT SAGA!!! That is, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn…and Midnight Sun, which I have read. I have read it because I am really good friends with Steph Meyer, and Edward Cullen is actually real, and he is my boyfriend.

Answer #12

Shug,The twilight series,the clique series,the child called it series,Where the red fern grows,old yeller,the giver. these are all fantastic books! :)

Answer #13

I am not sure how old you are, but here are a couple that are classics, and it doesn’t matter what age you are if you like animals. James Oliver Curwood. Title Kazan the Wolf Dog Jack London. Call of the Wild. Both authors have other titles that are great as well like White Fang, or Bear. I personally love mysteries, so my favorite authors you probably wouldn’t like, but I have been stuck on James Patterson lately, and I recently read a good one by Jefferson/ Bass. It was coauthored, and one of the authors was the one who bagan the body farm where they do forensic testing on corpses, so it is a bit scary, but a lot of facts if you are into forensics. Have fun reading.

Answer #14

TWILIGHT etc… summer boys, things not seen, seventeenth summer, and a lot of the books by Sarah Dessen are really good.

Answer #15

the catcher in the rye

Answer #16

I woudl say crique du freak…its more liek a fantasy with vanpires and stuff..but its a preety interesting(sp) book… theres more then 10 series that I no of it

Answer #17

CHERUB! best book ever by Rober Muchamore He is a ledgend if you dont like Cherub than whats wrong with you?!?!?!?!

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