What jobs can I get with a mathematics degree?

Answer #1

Actuarial Mathematics – The application of mathematics, particularly probability and statistics, to the insurance industry.

Research Analyst - They research compensation trends and problems internally and externally; perform statistical analyses and predictive modeling on current and proposed compensation scenarios; measure performace of field sales (insurance reps) against established goals; model and track incentive and bonus programs; determine economic impact of various scenarios on the company and the individual.

Biomathematics – Biomathematics includes bioinformatics, a sort of cs/math/biology hybrid field.

Biostatistics and Epidemiology – The application of statistics in the health sciences. Epidemiologists study the spread of diseases and model how to respond to epidemics.

Financial Mathematics (or Mathematical Finance, also known as Quantitative Finance) – Mathematics used on Wall Street, for mortgage backing, financial derivatives, and stock market analysis.

Operations Research – The application of mathematics to problems of optimization, especially large-scale or complex problems and especially in the field of business.

Research Mathematics – The study of mathematics for its own sake.

Statistics – The study of methods for collecting, classifying, analyzing and making inferences from data.


Technical Writing – This includes everything from science reporting for periodicals to writing documentation for computer software to editing textbooks.


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